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Download Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App

Posted On: Monday, April 26, 2021

The Grey Bruce Health Unit, in partnership with Bruce Power and NPX Innovation, is pleased to announce the release of the Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App for residents of Grey and Bruce counties.

Download Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App

This application is now available free to download from the Google Play and Apple Stores for all mobile devices and tablets. To download, enter ‘gbvaccineapp’ into the search bar. You can also click these hyperlinks from your mobile device to take you directly to the App in the stores.:

The app features include, but are not limited to:

·Links to help you book your appointment

·An interactive map showing the locations of operating clinics

·What to expect at a mass clinic with a video and photo walk-through

·Information about the COVID-19 vaccine

·Who will get vaccinated and when

“The Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App is an excellent resource for local residents to quickly and easily book their appointment,” said James Scongack, Bruce Power’s Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Operational Services. “I encourage everybody with a cell phone or tablet to download the app and familiarize yourself with the information so, when your turn comes, you can book your vaccination quickly and easily. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and we’ll get there by working together.”

“The Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App allows for seamless booking of vaccination appointments via your mobile device, as well as a way to stay up-to-date on current information about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Grey and Bruce counties”, said Dr. Ian Arra, the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer.  “This app brings all of the information from our website to people’s cell phones in an application. This will ensure the public remains informed, and enhance our ability to reach more people in Grey and Bruce.”


For More Information:


Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer

To arrange to speak with Dr. Arra, please contact Drew Ferguson at:

519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 ext. 1269 or


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